People Watching PornHub in Public
[franklin]: ah welcome everybody to uncle to uncle
the first podcast to take place from a
[franklin]: king size bed in beautiful heathenism to
i'm your main host franklin as always joined
[franklin]: by the coolest uncle of my whole
world uncle howard
[howard]: well it's a good day to be
uncle howard brother because i'm freezing you know
[howard]: why i'm freezing because i'm ice cold
[franklin]: you should put a sweater on big
[howard]: and now you know what because i
got a new job i'm firing people now
[howard]: left and right i'm rereformating
[franklin]: ah
[howard]: businesses
[franklin]: oh that sounds like ah
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: like you're just firing people for you
know the sake of cutting costs
[howard]: yeah that's right the redundancies when
[franklin]: yea
[howard]: i say pally your redundant as it
gets out of my sight
[franklin]: that's like george cluny in that one
movie with anna kendrick
[howard]: yeah yeah
[franklin]: lost in the clouds
[howard]: earn after reading
[franklin]: no no no no no you know
what i'm talking about
[howard]: oh up in the air
[franklin]: m up in the air just goes
around and he fires somebody and then it
[franklin]: gets very dark
[howard]: i
[franklin]: it's very
[howard]: haven't
[franklin]: dark
[howard]: i haven't seen that one
[franklin]: you haven't
[howard]: but
[franklin]: seen it boy
[howard]: now i don't i don't i don't
like that george cluny i think is a
[howard]: smart ass
[franklin]: you know we talked
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: about how he i said he's not
box office
[howard]: no
[franklin]: i still stand by that
[howard]: i don't
[franklin]: you
[howard]: think
[franklin]: know
[howard]: he has either man he's like a
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: v guy
[franklin]: i is nhespresso
[howard]: yeah he is an aspresso
[franklin]: m you know i think but
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: there's a few guys now i'm looking
at him like you know what they're not
[franklin]: box office either you know
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: and
[howard]: no not everyone can be a hell
[franklin]: h brook yeah not everybody can die
from trying to suck their own deck
[howard]: well that's a that's a warrior's death
[franklin]: yeah yeah it most certainly
[howard]: that's
[franklin]: is
[howard]: nothing to be ashamed of
[franklin]: i'm glad you're doing good things for
a lot of businesses
[howard]: yeah well because businesses are harder than
ever now haven't you read about all this
[howard]: quiet quitting epidemic
[franklin]: is
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: that the liberals are doing
[howard]: yeah the liberals are
[franklin]: oh
[howard]: quiet quitted nowadays it means they work
just hard enough to do their job but
[howard]: they don't go above and beyond doesn't
[franklin]: what
[howard]: make you sick
[franklin]: what does that even entail
[howard]: you
[franklin]: like
[howard]: know like
[franklin]: like
[howard]: you you go to your job you
do all the stuff they want you to
[howard]: and then you go home
[franklin]: no right exactly
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: there's just being a little
[howard]: h
[franklin]: pitch about it
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: that's all it is
[howard]: yeah you're
[franklin]: like anybody
[howard]: not
[franklin]: who has a job that like what
like like i'm sorry but like what's it's
[franklin]: quite quitting and like a job like
that actually matters like like i'm sorry but
[franklin]: i don't i don't get it
[howard]: like a doctor quite quits
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: because he doesn't do surgery on other
doctors patients hey let me help you
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: out with that
[franklin]: yeah dr
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: strange kind of quiet equipped there for
a while
[howard]: yeah he didn't retire he quit
[franklin]: yes he had tension with another doctor
in that movie
[howard]: yeah that's right it was the equally
arrogant doctor
[franklin]: no but he wasn't he wasn't that
eric and i remember in doctor strange there
[howard]: the
[franklin]: was
[howard]: first
[franklin]: a guy
[howard]: one
[franklin]: yeah the first the first
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: one he's still a doctor dude
[howard]: he is still a doctor is the
doctor of mystic arts
[franklin]: i hate that like people who don't
who are not in health care can be
[franklin]: called
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: doctor secretly
[howard]: yeah there's nothing worse than when you
say someone on twitter and their name is
[howard]: like door julian bendin or whatever
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: a doctor of and turns out not
even of d d s
[franklin]: not even a
[howard]: yah
[franklin]: well how can i tell
[howard]: you
[franklin]: you man what can i fucking tell
[howard]: know it's it's you know what it
is is this participation trophy culture
[franklin]: oh
[howard]: that we live in nowadays
[franklin]: yeah i think doctors have have existed
for a while now
[howard]: yeah but only medical doctors
[franklin]: m
[howard]: nowadays you can get a doctor
[franklin]: m
[howard]: of you know i'm a doctor of
poetry or something yeah
[franklin]: so i'm still trying to wrap my
head around quiet quitting and
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: i get it i get it because
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: it's supposed to be like empowering like
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: you know i think i think they
think oh it's punk rock or something like
[franklin]: oh i'm
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: quite quite like at the end of
the day like you know
[howard]: to
[franklin]: if a serious like in a serious
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: job like you can't really quiet quit
you either do it or you don't you
[franklin]: know so you're
[howard]: well
[franklin]: just you're just doing what you're supposed
to still
[howard]: yeah well i think that's the issue
is that the term quite quitting was invented
[howard]: by you know the bosses and we
hate those guys
[franklin]: oh
[howard]: franklin all those
[franklin]: hate him
[howard]: dirty bosses and managers
[franklin]: m
[howard]: and they say those guys quiet quick
because he's just doing his job he's not
[howard]: you know he's not hustling he's not
getting here early
[franklin]: m
[howard]: in the morning he's not staying after
five he's just doing everything he needs to
[howard]: but the bare minimum
[franklin]: yeah what's
[howard]: and that's
[franklin]: wrong with the
[howard]: that's
[franklin]: bare
[howard]: called
[franklin]: minimum
[howard]: that's called quiet quitting
[franklin]: i don't buy that
[howard]: you know yeah i think there is
a different kind of quiet quit in where
[howard]: you're just not doing your job at
[franklin]: that's yeah that
[howard]: that's that's a
[franklin]: i
[howard]: man's quiet quit
[franklin]: now that's fucking dope though
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: that's
[howard]: you're
[franklin]: fucking cool if you're not
[howard]: what
[franklin]: doing if you're imagined to not do
ship like a costanza level that's fucking art
[franklin]: then
[howard]: yeah yeah then i'm proud of you
[franklin]: yes you see that's my thing it's
not i'm against
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: quiet quittin on't ive a ship like
what the fuck do i care
[howard]: well
[franklin]: but i want i want real quiet
quitting you know
[howard]: yeah i want sabotage
[franklin]: i wanted to be like a library
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: know that's the kind of quiet quitting
i want man
[howard]: you want to get shushed
[franklin]: no i want i mean i want
to see absolutely nothing being done you
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: know
[howard]: yeah librarians never do anything
[franklin]: they work
[howard]: well i hope they don't work too
[franklin]: they fold he look at the books
[howard]: yeah they folded the books
[franklin]: i was going to say they felt
the bucks
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: some maybe the ones that aren't hard
to cover they do
[howard]: yeah they fold him up
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: they put him in the washer
[franklin]: m
[howard]: you know
[franklin]: hm
[howard]: libraries are kind of gross and you're
touching on that dirty old book who knows
[howard]: how many other people have touched that
thing my
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: oh that's
[franklin]: that
[howard]: unsanitary
[franklin]: is true that is true you know
it used to be the library as a
[franklin]: sanctuary for perverts
[howard]: yeah nowadays you know what they've done
away with perverts
[franklin]: i don't know if they've done away
with the pervert my friend i think
[howard]: there is hardly any perverts
[franklin]: oh
[howard]: left in this world yeah
[franklin]: in by a old college campus
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: liper that was a guy just kind
of it was earlier it was like
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: nine am like looking
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: at pornography
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: you know
[howard]: i got to get an early start
on it
[franklin]: you do you don't want to miss
your early morning porthos you know
[howard]: it was it
[franklin]: m
[howard]: was at college so maybe it was
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: studying
[franklin]: he swore up and down it was
a pop up it was a pop up
[howard]: oh yeah
[franklin]: he
[howard]: that
[franklin]: just
[howard]: does happen
[franklin]: and then they called security and he's
just like the like
[howard]: ha
[franklin]: this is personal this patio of my
privacy like this as
[howard]: you
[franklin]: years
[howard]: know
[franklin]: ago but
[howard]: it
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: does annoy me when i'm on the
computer and people are kind of looking at
[howard]: what i'm doing even if
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: i'm just you know just you know
looking at pictures of dogs something
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: like that
[franklin]: it's
[howard]: it's still
[franklin]: an evasive
[howard]: like
[franklin]: thing
[howard]: yeah hey get out of here i
could only imagine how mad i'd be if
[howard]: i was looking at porno when they
were doing that to me
[franklin]: god right that's a real yeah
[howard]: it's pretty rude
[franklin]: kind of is yeah
[howard]: yeah they should
[franklin]: i'm mindin my own business what are
you doing
[howard]: he should have called security all those
all those peepers
[franklin]: you just when
[howard]: who's
[franklin]: the cops
[howard]: the real
[franklin]: are
[howard]: pervert here
[franklin]: he says
[howard]: right
[franklin]: yes
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: officer i caught all these people looking
at my computer
[howard]: they couldn't wait to get a glimpse
[franklin]: h
[howard]: of that pornography
[franklin]: m i'm looking at port what are
all of you looking at you're
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: looking at my street
[howard]: ask yourself
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: who the real pervert is
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: did you when you when you are
a college guy did you use
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: like the campus computers there that were
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: available or like ever ever
[howard]: uh
[franklin]: use
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: a net there
[howard]: yeah you know for printing especially you
[franklin]: m
[howard]: i'm taking some classes again at this
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: you're never too old to learn
[franklin]: no
[howard]: so yeah i go into the library
to print
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: sometimes because no one has a printer
at home that's just
[franklin]: no
[howard]: now that's for nerves
[franklin]: twenty
[howard]: but
[franklin]: twenty two if you got a printer
dude holy shit
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: like fifty
[howard]: yeah do you get your mail from
the pony express
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: um but no i hung out in
the library a little bit and now not
[howard]: at my current gig but i'm not
in there very much but because i'm not
[howard]: doing that much school stuff
[franklin]: but
[howard]: just a little bit here and there
but back the day i remember going to
[howard]: the library and there was this lady
and she i think she was looking at
[howard]: you tube and
[franklin]: ah
[howard]: she was just dancing and dancing
[franklin]: really
[howard]: all by herself
[franklin]: in the library just
[howard]: in
[franklin]: dancing
[howard]: the libryyeah she was kind of she
was bugging me man i don't mind telling
[howard]: you i don't
[franklin]: m
[howard]: like i don't like when people are
dancing publicly
[franklin]: yeah i'm not i mean you could
[howard]: you condense if you want to
[franklin]: yes
[howard]: but do it at home oh
[franklin]: fair enough
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: so you never went to like the
computer lab with all the other students is
[franklin]: kind of working i guess it's more
of like a like a late two thousands
[franklin]: kind of college campus thing
[howard]: i don't know i don't think so
maybe a little bit like if i met
[howard]: up with people to study you know
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: like hey yeah we all got a
we got a big test tomorrow that's all
[franklin]: oh
[howard]: all study together and that's dumb because
[franklin]: m
[howard]: studying is a solitary activity man
[franklin]: i get it my alma mater had
[howard]: hm
[franklin]: these small rooms
[howard]: m
[franklin]: that were kind of like confessionals it's
[howard]: m
[franklin]: like it's legit like useful do not
get me wrong
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: if you need to study without like
distractions and ship and just need your laptop
[franklin]: and like a book or whatever to
just one in on your studies it is
[franklin]: useful
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: however
[howard]: ah
[franklin]: i mean i'm not saying it was
like a constant
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: fucking thing but you walk around and
you could look through those rooms it wasn't
[franklin]: like you had a complete privacy like
there's like i
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: like you could
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: see that somebody's there kind of thing
you know
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: could see you could probably see the
computer screen and yeah i don't know how
[franklin]: many times i walked by and there
is this like you know somebody just looking
[franklin]: at pornaagain
[howard]: a lot of pornogahat's
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: respectful library is a place of learning
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: and you but a lot of those
librarians yu know hate are their grandma's
[franklin]: oh boy imagine that they saw that
corn og
[howard]: drop all the nicely folded up books
on the ground
[franklin]: all the books he spent all day
folding up it would be a shame
[howard]: that would break my heart brother
[franklin]: it'd be a shame
[howard]: yeah maybe i should start patrolling the
[franklin]: volunteer security guard
[howard]: yeah hey
[franklin]: m
[howard]: get that pornography hey let me take
[franklin]: m
[howard]: a look at that oh hy that's
some good stuff man
[franklin]: asking to control
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: tells you everything you need to know
right there
[howard]: yeah yeah
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: man that's a that's the perverts short
[franklin]: but you're not wrong there's there's less
people just well o know
[howard]: what
[franklin]: what they're on their phones now looking
at poor og
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: that's that's the thing that's the hook
[howard]: but that's the thing of the library
is free poor no not everybody has got
[howard]: you know the smart phones and
[franklin]: m
[howard]: gadgets and
[franklin]: m
[howard]: gizmos
[franklin]: sure
[howard]: some people they got to to the
library and say one pornography please yeah m
[franklin]: you know if you have your if
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: just trying to take home a porno
it's like trying to take home like
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: a loaf of bread to your starving
family maybe you're just trying to get it
[franklin]: on a flash
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: drive that you can take home later
to watch
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: you know
[howard]: that's beautiful
[franklin]: would you chew out somebody first eating
a loaf of bread to feed their family
[howard]: you wouldn't download a loaf of bread
[franklin]: no you you out
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: this is too much pornogtalk man
[howard]: yeah we're you're getting off the races
here too early it's funny because the other
[howard]: day i was talking about like the
most famous person i could think of and
[howard]: i said chase lane remember that oh
[franklin]: yes i do remember that i don't
know why you reference why you reference her
[howard]: she was just i was talking about
like what if we got a big caleb
[howard]: on the podcast and i was like
[franklin]: hm
[howard]: like chase lane
[franklin]: yeah i don't know i'm like okay
[howard]: m well it would be quite a
[franklin]: i thought that's who you were talking
about but i'm like what who like
[howard]: my
[franklin]: i didn't i thought it was just
a different chase
[howard]: no
[franklin]: lane again
[howard]: she was in she was in orgasmo
[franklin]: okay
[howard]: great movie
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: very serious sad
[franklin]: i've never i've never seen that at
the one of rain wilson
[howard]: no it's with a mat and tray
my buddies
[franklin]: what's the one with rain wilson
[howard]: the rocker
[franklin]: not the super hero one
[howard]: oh super
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: that movie makes me sick
[franklin]: never seen it
[howard]: i don't ever see it man that's
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: of the worst movies i've ever seen
[franklin]: really
[howard]: life
[franklin]: that bad
[howard]: yeah i that that is the first
movie i've ever not liked in my life
[franklin]: you know it was the first thing
i didn't like in my life
[howard]: m
[franklin]: like i saw him there
[howard]: m
[franklin]: like normally when i see a movientheres
even if it's bad i'm a that was
[franklin]: still all right
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: it was the crocodile guy the one
who you know unfortunately
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: died
[howard]: yeah yeah yeah i got caught and
[franklin]: yeah he had a movie
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: and i saw it and it sucked
so bad
[howard]: oh yeah because it was kind of
like half vinet of him doing his animal
[howard]: stuff and then there was a loose
plot right
[franklin]: yeah so
[howard]: i think maybe we talked about that
a while ago or maybe i just
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: researched it on my own like
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: i said i'm back in school so
i'm learning a lot
[franklin]: you are back at school like rodney
dangerfield man
[howard]: yep
[franklin]: you're getting
[howard]: i'm doing the high dive
[franklin]: that's all i remember
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: the commercial is the check to sell
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: bogy
[howard]: yeah that's all i remember too oh
[franklin]: i'm on the diving board
[howard]: this is pretty funny to see an
old guy diving
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: around like that
[franklin]: sack you're at
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: school you go you got all as
[howard]: right
[franklin]: just doing cannon balls in the pool
[howard]: i never see anybody dive in at
the campus what am
[franklin]: they
[howard]: i
[franklin]: have
[howard]: doing
[franklin]: a pull
[howard]: wrong
[franklin]: though they got to have a pull
[howard]: they must have a pool i'm going
to find it i'm going to i'm going
[howard]: to be the old guy doing
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: in the triple lindis
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: if you become the guy that's just
doing cannon balls in the
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: ol between
[howard]: h
[franklin]: classes
[howard]: yeah i got fifteen minutes
[franklin]: get a couple splashes in m
[howard]: people would love that i think i
think i'd be one
[franklin]: hm
[howard]: of the coolest guys on campus
[franklin]: yeah you're chucking a beer while you're
doing it
[howard]: yeah let's pot down
[franklin]: m
[howard]: guys
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: i don't think there was anybody doing
cool ship like that in my un
[howard]: there's never been cool people in college
[franklin]: no what is this myth
[howard]: yeah it's all the party rockers or
[franklin]: that's a party school
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: really like
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: i wouldn't know
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: like i have never seen anybody party
in like i mean i don't see anybody
[franklin]: parting in fucking college
[howard]: no i like see
[franklin]: oh
[howard]: as i'm sitting around taking notes
[franklin]: hm like there's like what like my
campus had achilles it was
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: a
[howard]: wow
[franklin]: chilly it was a chilly too
[howard]: okay so
[franklin]: m
[howard]: not that great
[franklin]: i mean you can still go in
there and get a beer
[howard]: hey that's not bad
[franklin]: yeah but like i think like you
could only get like like you got a
[franklin]: risk band you and only get like
two beers basically the undertaker
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: rule yeah
[howard]: well you don't you don't want to
have too many jokes before you go and
[howard]: learn some chemistry
[franklin]: don't think you could just go at
nine a m and get a fucking beer
[franklin]: either
[howard]: it's not like the airport
[franklin]: it's not like the air for though
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: you can't go to chelles to it
at six a m
[howard]: i'll take a margarita and a case
of do please
[franklin]: i just go
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: to class
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: dan that's bad as
[howard]: all right
[franklin]: carrying a marget of sucking and a
case of thenard goddamn
[howard]: uh
[franklin]: you know to go
[howard]: uh
[franklin]: box and just going to history
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: god oh man
[howard]: all right well let's
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: just see what's going on with the
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: war
[franklin]: yeah man i think you just told
me in going back to school if
[howard]: ah
[franklin]: i could have a mark
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: in class
[howard]: you can
[franklin]: you can right
[howard]: yeah no no one's goin to stop
that's the cool thing we call that's not
[howard]: like high school where there's a lot
of rules in college your big boy you
[howard]: can
[franklin]: that's
[howard]: do what
[franklin]: right
[howard]: you want
[franklin]: that's i mean you can bring like
like in those water bottle type things
[howard]: yeah for sure
[franklin]: you
[howard]: no
[franklin]: could
[howard]: one
[franklin]: definitely
[howard]: will know
[franklin]: bring booze in there and like drink
during class
[howard]: my friend and i took a film
appreciation class or something like that and
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: it was at night time and you
would just watch these old movies and we
[howard]: would just bring bring a beer drink
them in there
[franklin]: you bring a beer like
[howard]: yeah why not
[franklin]: no ship really
[howard]: and i need some candy and eat
[franklin]: oh
[howard]: some jelly beans and drink a beer
[franklin]: oh that i'm sure you can
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: do but
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: holy ship man
[howard]: well you know what when it's when
it's howard's time to shine i shine like
[howard]: a diamond
[franklin]: man just bring it like a buttleizer
like you got like one
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: singular
[howard]: like one
[franklin]: butte wiser
[howard]: one big fosters
[franklin]: he did not bring a fosters
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: to school
[howard]: i would man
[franklin]: would but you haven't
[howard]: i did
[franklin]: you did m
[howard]: and i do it again
[franklin]: you do it again well and i
[howard]: happy
[franklin]: you are
[howard]: i guess i am brother you know
what one of these days we're going to
[howard]: be touring campus is i bet comedians
are always touring college
[franklin]: sure
[howard]: campus es
[franklin]: they are they are i've seen some
bad stand up comedy especially in my community
[franklin]: college
[howard]: really
[franklin]: like they got like
[howard]: you've
[franklin]: an open
[howard]: gone to
[franklin]: area
[howard]: some
[franklin]: what's that
[howard]: you've gone to it before
[franklin]: like it was just where everybody eats
lunch outside
[howard]: yeah and
[franklin]: so
[howard]: there's
[franklin]: like
[howard]: just comedian there
[franklin]: it's a comedian there like a little
bit of a crowd or whatever you know
[franklin]: and just i mean hey the hurricane
was there to doing autographs
[howard]: no the hurricane helms
[franklin]: kane helms yeah
[howard]: whoa that's
[franklin]: him and video i still remember
[howard]: a uh
[franklin]: him in video ere they're giving autographs
[howard]: h
[franklin]: to students
[howard]: that's huge man
[franklin]: that's
[howard]: i
[franklin]: huge
[howard]: would
[franklin]: right
[howard]: i would have lost my mind if
[franklin]: i
[howard]: got
[franklin]: didn't
[howard]: to eat
[franklin]: i didn't go
[howard]: nidia
[franklin]: to i missed school that day
[howard]: because
[franklin]: uh
[howard]: you were too nervous
[franklin]: i didn't know they were going to
be there
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: oh
[howard]: i would have been too nervous to
meet nidia
[franklin]: she was in the she's one of
the few that were part of the w
[franklin]: w girls gone wild paper view
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: cos her test tory they weren't like
part of they're like judges
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: there are
[howard]: well
[franklin]: judges for like the girl's gone wild
[howard]: sure
[franklin]: you know
[howard]: well it wouldn't be fair to have
test compete against the girl's gone wild
[franklin]: no no he
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: was a very active judge
[howard]: well was he he
[franklin]: yes
[howard]: liked what he saw
[franklin]: you
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: got involved man
[howard]: oh wow
[franklin]: he got involved man like i'll leave
it at that
[howard]: damn i didn't i didn't even know
about this girls have gone wild that was
[howard]: a
[franklin]: oh
[howard]: maybe our younger listeners don't know that
was a
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: big deal that no one had any
problems with at the time
[franklin]: no
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: i don't think anybody has problems of
it today
[howard]: no i think it's
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: more more
[franklin]: oh
[howard]: renowned than it ever was for its
upstanding morals
[franklin]: god god
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: of course w partner up with girls
gone a while
[howard]: yeah but they're
[franklin]: some that
[howard]: a good company
[franklin]: match made in heaven
[howard]: hmm
[franklin]: uh
[howard]: do you think say arabia would partner
with girls going wild
[franklin]: i don't know i
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: don't think so that might be what
would i break the negotiations with w w
[franklin]: man
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: like
[howard]: so
[franklin]: tested that
[howard]: we are not the guys we thought
you were
[franklin]: we did not we thought this was
an upstanding organization
[howard]: well yeah there was there's an article
there's an entire article about it apparently eric
[howard]: bishoff and jason hervey were involved in
it somehow
[franklin]: yeah they're the t v guys
[howard]: yeah god those guys they're
[franklin]: okay
[howard]: just drop hits and hits
[franklin]: is there relationship strained
[howard]: uh hervey and bishop that must be
[franklin]: i
[howard]: because
[franklin]: heard
[howard]: wiles haven't they made a new
[franklin]: right
[howard]: scott bo show
[franklin]: that might be why
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: sucking hell yeah
[howard]: he ain't responding to us when we
say we want to see some more reality
[howard]: shows
[franklin]: i thought eric bishop would be a
guy i could easily rope in of being
[franklin]: like a fan
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: and like pretending to be like dude
you're you're the king of reality t v
[franklin]: and wrestling how bad ass is that
[howard]: but
[franklin]: but
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: it
[howard]: i know he hasn't done ship since
[franklin]: i think he knew it was full
of ship
[howard]: yeah it was like no one likes
[franklin]: m
[howard]: me
[franklin]: hm
[howard]: well wait there's a show as it's
still no never mind that it said it
[howard]: used
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: present tense it said party monsters cabo
is a reality t v show airing on
[howard]: e and i was
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: like oh that's pretty cool it's still
[franklin]: party
[howard]: but
[franklin]: monsters cobo that
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: sounds like it could only exist in
two thousand two
[howard]: two thousand eight
[franklin]: oh
[howard]: and its party planners are in cobo
and they have to see who can throw
[howard]: the ultimate party for a hollywood a
lister do
[franklin]: oh
[howard]: you want
[franklin]: i
[howard]: to
[franklin]: said yeah nick canon
[howard]: well so episode one was so this
is two thousand eight do you want to
[howard]: guess who some of the people were
[franklin]: i already saw who they were
[howard]: okay
[franklin]: did he
[howard]: ditty you
[franklin]: chloe
[howard]: got
[franklin]: cardashian
[howard]: yep you got carmon electra
[franklin]: oh
[howard]: you got brodygenner
[franklin]: yeah these are the heavy hitters of
the time
[howard]: yeah big stars
[franklin]: yeah frankie dalcato yeah
[howard]: frank gate doesn't even have his own
wicked pediapage what a loser
[franklin]: party monsters cabo so wait so wait
did he think this is something like oh
[franklin]: party monsters miami or party monsters like
this could be a franchise
[howard]: yeah you start with cobo and
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: then you
[franklin]: like like the housewives like you know
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: atlanta o c
[howard]: i would love to see a real
houses of cobo
[franklin]: be sick as fuck
[howard]: that would be cool there
[franklin]: yes
[howard]: they didn't just do reality shows they
also did a fictional
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: wait it's a t v show centered
on fictional motorcycles group but they say it's
[howard]: a reality man it's on another level
it's called
[franklin]: yes
[howard]: the devil's ride
[franklin]: this is more bish off hervey originals
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: so further jason hervey is the annoying
brother on the wonder years
[howard]: yeah the big bully brother
[franklin]: the big bully brother on the wonder
year is you know wayne who you'd always
[franklin]: call but head or something right
[howard]: yeah i was rude
[franklin]: it was rude god this list of
shows they've done man you know beverly hills
[howard]: yes
[franklin]: fabulous finding whole ogan
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: that was a show
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: finding or was that like a pitched
show like
[howard]: i don't know some of these don't
have their own pages so it's
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: kind of
[franklin]: like
[howard]: find
[franklin]: what
[howard]: out
[franklin]: could find like is this is like
oh as a documentary finding
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: hole like
[howard]: he's like
[franklin]: what
[howard]: i've lost sight of who i really
[franklin]: uh
[howard]: other
[howard]: m
[franklin]: uh i think we have to watch
this at some point man
[howard]: let's say where is it streaming
[franklin]: it's on you tube
[howard]: okay i can watch it there
[franklin]: oh god
[howard]: it's just like one it's i don't
think it was a recurring
[franklin]: it was like
[howard]: show
[franklin]: it was a documentary
[howard]: yeah but i bet we see him
like at his darkest and lowest
[franklin]: right right
[howard]: no what was bear swamp recovery
[franklin]: now i remember hogan
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: said like when he was he had
he had a gun
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: i guess i'm not going to go
over that story it's pretty dark but
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: ah you had a dark time
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: there koga but
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: it sounds fictional my point to that
is not that is that he was
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: in a dark so i think he
was exaggerating ship because i think he's kind
[franklin]: of a liar
[howard]: his renowned exaggerator
[franklin]: he's a renowned exaggerator yes
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: he thought he was the first human
to live
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: four hundred days because he would go
to japan a lot for wrestling
[howard]: ye
[franklin]: he's like those are like added
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: days like
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: like no you didn't live a four
hundred day year
[howard]: yeah i know it adds thirty five
[franklin]: at
[howard]: days to the year if you go
to apan
[franklin]: yeah i i don't think it does
[howard]: i remember my mom saw him on
a larry king or something and you always
[howard]: talking about who who did he train
under that broke his leg
[franklin]: well iron sheik was supposed to break
his leg
[howard]: well when he was at he was
getting trained by some
[franklin]: right
[howard]: japanese fella and the guy broke his
[franklin]: oh
[howard]: anyway but he liked talking about you
was like yeah like hero masouda
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: um and i guess the way gain
said it though is like every japanese guy
[howard]: will break up american's leg just
[franklin]: oh
[howard]: on purpose or whatever
[franklin]: like wrestling
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: u
[howard]: my
[franklin]: h
[howard]: mom told me that and i was
like well that's pretty cool
[franklin]: i don't think he got his legs
broken man
[howard]: he said it he
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: called
[franklin]: i don't think it's true though
[howard]: what well you wouldn't say he's lion
would you
[franklin]: i will say you're doing a great
job on the sound board tonight big man
[howard]: oh i'm
[franklin]: i'm sorry
[howard]: i forgot about
[franklin]: i'm
[howard]: it
[franklin]: sorry
[howard]: i'm sorry man
[franklin]: i'm sorry
[howard]: geez you know
[franklin]: i could
[howard]: i'm
[franklin]: not yeah
[howard]: that's
[franklin]: it's too late to apologize
[howard]: i know i ruined it
[franklin]: you don't ruin it you just
[howard]: ah
[franklin]: signed the sound board
[howard]: i didn't want it
[franklin]: didn't want why didn't you ask me
to do it
[howard]: because i didn't think you wanted it
[franklin]: i was fine with doing and i
just didn't
[howard]: oh jees
[franklin]: there we go i'm glad you're using
some of mine though
[howard]: yeah i'm not going
[franklin]: s
[howard]: to use any of mine because they
last three seconds and
[franklin]: no
[howard]: you don't have
[franklin]: you're
[howard]: the
[franklin]: gonna
[howard]: attention
[franklin]: use your
[howard]: span for that
[franklin]: if you're going to use the sand
board please just use the damn sand board
[franklin]: i don't care which ones you use
[howard]: okay i'm sorry we're using
[franklin]: oh
[howard]: it let's
[franklin]: where
[howard]: not
[franklin]: is
[howard]: fight in front of the fans
[franklin]: i am just yeah anyways
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: we do have traditions here in the
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: size bed don't we uncle howard
[howard]: you're right brother we sure do
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: and you know what it is m
[franklin]: yeah that's right on time there
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: every night me and uncle har like
to plop
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: into bed and watch
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: some of the finest movies money can
[howard]: m
[franklin]: now now even some of these movies
[howard]: m
[franklin]: they're on pluto or to ben you
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: need any money they're free
[howard]: yeah you don't even have to spend
a dime
[franklin]: no
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: no my movie is not on any
fucking service practically let me see my movie
[franklin]: this is some nurchshit so
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: i do apologize man you know you
can you have to buy this movie basically
[franklin]: it's on hullo
[howard]: okay well
[franklin]: it's like probably holus like oh hullo
with stars so you
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: twenty
[howard]: huluhlu
[franklin]: extra
[howard]: extra
[franklin]: yeah yeah we have this movie no
you have to spend more money to watch
[franklin]: it though
[howard]: you know with those movie executives
[franklin]: thank you thank you i don't know
[howard]: h
[franklin]: jack allison was running the sound
[howard]: h
[franklin]: board today
[howard]: oh was he
[franklin]: he
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: hates the movie exacts
[howard]: oh that's right yeah
[franklin]: capitalism
[howard]: yeah show runners
[franklin]: so runners and audio
[howard]: okay
[franklin]: showed us like hating a quarterback bro
[howard]: ah those are the heroes
[franklin]: s are the heroes are show runners
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: you know qbs
[howard]: the yep
[franklin]: they run the game
[howard]: they do
[franklin]: my movie is from two thousand seven
talk about way back on that's pretty old
[franklin]: school
[howard]: yeah that's baforobama
[franklin]: that's or this is a classic bush
era cinema
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: i can't stand people who talk like
[howard]: yeah that's how i defined my life
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: president was around
[franklin]: that's a boma era comedy
[howard]: yeah what does what does that mean
you know o baba was the
[franklin]: the
[howard]: president
[franklin]: president like okay
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: and there are dogs that do speak
that way
[howard]: yeah there are you know what i
really want to say to him
[franklin]: m m
[howard]: it won't go
[franklin]: yeah you weren't too inactive for a
[howard]: i went too far
[franklin]: you are inactive with the sound board
and as always as i've warned you
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: it goes it goes you know it
[howard]: but
[franklin]: dark
[howard]: it worked for a minute
[franklin]: it did work for a minute
[howard]: no cheese i ruined everything franklin
[franklin]: well i mean you didn't improve anything
[howard]: no
[franklin]: anyways
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: my movie is the dargiline limited from
two thousand seven okay did you see this
[howard]: no man that sounds boring
[franklin]: you know i've seen it twice in
theaters i don't
[howard]: wide
[franklin]: remember ship dude
[howard]: i like the darjiling unlimited
[franklin]: one of the reviews i saw in
the google
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: movie reviews was the somebody was like
yeah i take that train all the time
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: like somebody like somebody is just like
oh yeah that's like from my home town
[franklin]: like i love it
[howard]: uh
[franklin]: like like you know it's like they're
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: grand
[howard]: that's
[franklin]: central
[howard]: cool
[franklin]: you
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: know
[howard]: it's like when you you know when
i was when i was a kid and
[howard]: i was watching
[franklin]: oh
[howard]: star wars i was like oh tattooeene
[franklin]: hm
[howard]: that's where i'm from
[franklin]: that's not where you didn't put that
[howard]: m
[franklin]: so the sound board really isn't working
i'm furious right now
[howard]: i'm so sorry man
[franklin]: yeah it's fine it's thrown me off
here but anyways so
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: darsie limited owen wilson adrian brodie
[howard]: h yeah
[franklin]: and jason shwortsmanyou know
[howard]: well adrian brody was funny on so
an't live yeah
[franklin]: was he
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: fuzzy
[howard]: he was he was a host
[franklin]: ah
[howard]: and he had a very famous moment
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: where he wore
[franklin]: oh
[howard]: wore a cool little outfit and it
was very appropriate
[franklin]: wow
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: and he introduced john paul wow
[howard]: yeah it was cool
[franklin]: did they ever get shine paul's thoughts
on that oh
[howard]: on no man that's a great question
[franklin]: yeah m
[howard]: i should say
[franklin]: so in the dargylean limited uh god
there it started off with a mini movie
[franklin]: before the actual movie
[howard]: that's cool two movies
[franklin]: like
[howard]: for one
[franklin]: yeah but i think natalie portman just
breaks up with jason shwartsman
[howard]: yeah that's
[franklin]: which
[howard]: a good call
[franklin]: i think it's a great call
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: i think that's a great call and
for some reason there's a lot of people
[franklin]: on film to was like yeah i
can really relate to that moment
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: you you can't you can't
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: see really the nerve of that
[howard]: i think you can relate to getting
[franklin]: break
[howard]: dumped
[franklin]: up
[howard]: getting dumpdinanly portman because a lot of
people they never even got to data at
[howard]: all
[franklin]: i don't think that
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: that means that
[howard]: that's
[franklin]: that
[howard]: like worse than getting dumped
[franklin]: no
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: no it's better to have loved than
[howard]: well but see they didn't even get
to love or lose
[franklin]: they did lose because they never got
to love
[howard]: m well so it's even worse
[franklin]: you caught me with my
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: own logic i still have a i
still have a problem with film twittered nerves
[franklin]: trying to be like yeah that was
really relatable man like no it wasn't mother
[franklin]: sucker you're a
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: liar you're a liar like
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: you know so anyways that that's
[howard]: m
[franklin]: my first ball with this movie here
you know is
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: the funk nerves um people say it
has good cynemotography
[howard]: i don't know what that means
[franklin]: what's that
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: what's that it has a good as
a good shot at the train on the
[franklin]: tracks is it
[howard]: well i liked how they were all
standing around and that one shot right oh
[franklin]: everything is captured in the frame that's
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: tyche camera typically does
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: that pretty well
[howard]: well a master
[franklin]: m
[howard]: at work
[franklin]: yeah so
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: the sound track was legitimately good um
so what do you have here this movie
[franklin]: has three brothers i guess they're
[howard]: yes
[franklin]: going on a spiritual quest
[howard]: oh that's cool
[franklin]: is this again how is this relatable
because even
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: even by white people's standards like you
don't have the money to just go in
[franklin]: a spiritual quest
[howard]: no i've never gone on a spiritual
[franklin]: you haven't
[howard]: in
[franklin]: got
[howard]: my
[franklin]: in
[howard]: life
[franklin]: a spiritual quest yeah you haven't had
the lug like like you can't
[howard]: h
[franklin]: just get up out of your
[howard]: h
[franklin]: job
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: and go on a spiritual quest
[howard]: yeah of course i'm not a white
person i'm cuban
[franklin]: that's right so you you definitely can't
do it you
[howard]: no
[franklin]: know
[howard]: we're hard working folk
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: sure you know i'm let me read
this one google review it says it's a
[franklin]: comedy but
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: it has very little humor one star
he says
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: yeah he says unfortunate there's no half
star radium
[howard]: whoa
[franklin]: so i have to give it a
full one this is a very bad movie
[howard]: but if he really don't like he
didn't have to write at all that would
[howard]: have been zero stars
[franklin]: well i think by
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: bringing it to one star you're still
lowering the rat in here
[howard]: yeah i guess so but
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: it's better to you know that's just
been a bully at that point
[franklin]: so another guy says five stars from
india looking forward to watching this movie in
[franklin]: twenty twenty in july i didn't know
this movie existed but i will watch for
[franklin]: for india
[howard]: so he made a plan to watch
it when did he write that review
[franklin]: so i don't think this guy has
seen it
[howard]: yeah but he likes it
[franklin]: he likes that like it takes place
like in india right
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: so like he's just like i'm going
to watch this in twenty twenty
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: in july m
[howard]: yeah he's going to get around to
[franklin]: she's good
[howard]: pencil that in
[franklin]: his
[howard]: he's
[franklin]: pet
[howard]: making money he's too busy to watch
[franklin]: so
[howard]: m
[franklin]: that's that how is that a good
[howard]: it's a great review he's going to
watch it
[franklin]: i's got to watch it in july
twenty twenty so well he made the review
[franklin]: he hadn't seen it yet
[howard]: but he
[franklin]: ye
[howard]: was so excited about it that he
planned an entire month around
[franklin]: m
[howard]: watching it
[franklin]: i can't wait to watch us in
july of twenty twenty
[howard]: yeah that's
[franklin]: m
[howard]: a really good review shall
[franklin]: i guess so i guess like if
like a sucking hell avatar to full
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: i guess like oh i can't wait
to see is in december
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: of twenty twenty two
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: that
[howard]: everybody everybody can wait to watch avatar
to they're going
[franklin]: a
[howard]: to have to i'm goin to see
to it's not coming out
[franklin]: man another comment says everybody from india
must watch this as we understand more
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: than anyone else because the movies shot
in india
[howard]: see that's
[franklin]: damn
[howard]: smart because india there's a billion people
that live it there
[franklin]: so this is like the people from
new jersey or like you could only understand
[franklin]: the sopranos if you lived in new
[howard]: yeah sdargiling limited is the sopranos of
italy i mean
[franklin]: india
[howard]: of india yeah
[franklin]: uh yeah i'm still going over some
of these reviews here
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: not anyways they're on a train for
a long time then they get off the
[franklin]: train i remember that
[howard]: that's cool
[franklin]: yeah i think they were kicked off
[howard]: a
[franklin]: or like drugs probably
[howard]: yeah parting
[franklin]: that's
[howard]: too hard
[franklin]: these white guys they love drugs
[howard]: they do
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: i love drugs
[franklin]: oh no drug member oh man it's
uh you know so you know
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: it's funny that this movie gets well
received but
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: the love gore which i guess because
that wasn't filmed in location though
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: but it's funny because darling limited does
not have a lot of indian people on
[howard]: the cast
[franklin]: no well no
[howard]: all
[franklin]: it
[howard]: right
[franklin]: is the love goro though
[howard]: well but love gare has people who
are loved by all people around the world
[franklin]: that's true
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: hence the love in the name
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: of the love guru
[howard]: exactly
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: jessica alba she's accepted anywhere she goes
[franklin]: that's true that's
[howard]: my
[franklin]: true adrian brody is not accepted wherever
he goes
[howard]: no ben kingsley is though
[franklin]: adrian brody grew tugging
[howard]: m
[franklin]: my puta even the good
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: god well
[howard]: yeah yeah
[franklin]: anyways adrian brody wrote his name him
and natly portman put their names on a
[franklin]: certain list
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: well
[franklin]: now about that list
[howard]: i don't think so
[franklin]: it was like about roman
[howard]: m yeah
[franklin]: i'm not talking about tee i mean
tess buddy from fast and furious
[howard]: right right
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: whoa
[franklin]: yeah it's like give him his job
[howard]: yeah they said he that's a good
man right there
[franklin]: that's what that's what natalie portman and
adrian brodie had to say
[howard]: yeah adrian brody also a big fan
of wodilanitsams
[franklin]: m they had the pianist
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: as well
[howard]: he said that he said that's not
my concern
[franklin]: that's
[howard]: i mean
[franklin]: what he said really
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: okay
[howard]: oh boy man of all the things
you could have said that was the worst
[franklin]: that's
[howard]: choice
[franklin]: not my concern
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: god damn dude
[howard]: i god i can't even say anything
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: that's that's not a good man man
adrian rodin
[franklin]: no
[howard]: very
[franklin]: he's not and it's a shame he's
in the second best predator movie ever made
[howard]: yeah and it was one of the
funniest guys saying lie there's ever been
[franklin]: right turns out he has a dark
[howard]: yeah who knew a guy like that
[franklin]: i don't think
[howard]: i
[franklin]: we could watch my movie i guess
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: have to because i suggested it but
[howard]: yeah got no choice
[franklin]: i
[howard]: but
[franklin]: mean only we're gonna see him in
july of twenty twenty
[howard]: yeah i hope that guy liked it
[franklin]: i do i would
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: reach out to him oh my favorite
review here on google reviews which is the
[franklin]: only place i will ever read reviews
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: and three people found this helpful too
so boring
[howard]: m oh
[franklin]: unprofessional
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: and meaningless it seemed like the director
was trying to shoot for the moon and
[franklin]: then in all caps but unfortunately he
[howard]: wow and it was an unprofessional movie
[franklin]: professional so he thought they were joking
around on set too much
[howard]: yeah it's
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: like you guys quiet quit
[franklin]: oh i'm sorry
[howard]: oh oh
[franklin]: the staff the director west anderson he
quite quitted on his own project the last
[franklin]: one i'm sorry the most boring and
horrendous movie we've ever seen beware do not
[franklin]: watch do your home work instead
[howard]: we
[franklin]: who's
[howard]: i mean that's
[franklin]: up
[howard]: always good advice this is
[franklin]: oh
[howard]: a very college heavy episode
[franklin]: this is a very college eve episode
isn't it
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: the deer will work instead so then
like a college student like telling other college
[franklin]: students that don't bother with this bullshit
[howard]: yeah he's saying hey why don't you
learn something instead of watch this garbage
[franklin]: that's that's why tried telling like breath
thousand once i remember
[howard]: yeah i go back to school learn
[franklin]: like
[howard]: something brother
[franklin]: i guess he did he's off brettosand
front of the show man he's
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: plugged this show before man
[howard]: yeah he's a good man i hope
he's well
[franklin]: yeah same here's nothing but love for
bread thousand
[howard]: i'm sure he's fine yeah well that
sounds like a great movie frank i'm glad
[howard]: we got to watch
[franklin]: m
[howard]: it too it
[franklin]: you can't insure that he's fine
[howard]: i'm sure of it
[franklin]: well i'm
[howard]: i
[franklin]: just
[howard]: put
[franklin]: saying you can't insure that he's fine
[howard]: i insure it
[franklin]: oh in that case
[howard]: if everyone pays me ten dollars a
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: and if brent thousand isn't final pay
you out
[franklin]: m
[howard]: that's insurance
[franklin]: h m that's great
[howard]: yeah that's
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: a good business
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: right there
[franklin]: it is a good business
[howard]: and insurance is a big scan isn't
[franklin]: i hate
[howard]: an
[franklin]: it
[howard]: you got to pay money and then
if it goes bad we'll give all a
[howard]: bunch of money back to you
[franklin]: i've
[howard]: how about
[franklin]: never had
[howard]: how about i just keep my money
and you leave alone
[franklin]: have you ever had like insurance help
you like
[howard]: uh
[franklin]: like car insurance
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: oh
[howard]: actually
[franklin]: okay then then shut
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: the fuck up i've never had it
like helped me i've
[howard]: really
[franklin]: had it all my life but
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: not all my life
[howard]: yeah or a baby didn't have car
[franklin]: yeah i did not but like i've
never had like i've never been like oh
[franklin]: thank god
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: i had car insurance
[howard]: yeah i am i got rear ended
by some some little creep and they helped
[howard]: pay for my car a little bit
[franklin]: okay
[howard]: that was all
[franklin]: so
[howard]: right
[franklin]: you had a useful thing of car
instance i have
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: fucking never never ever
[howard]: frankly you got to meet with my
guy insurance
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: sam
[franklin]: insurance sam yeah
[howard]: yeah he'll look you up
[franklin]: then the skittotim you're gonna help me
[howard]: yeah they've been hanging out with us
a tax gambling ran a little bit lately
[franklin]: gambling the late gambling ran
[howard]: well that's how bad a scene it
is hanging up with
[franklin]: m
[howard]: a dead man
[franklin]: m never good
[howard]: yeah never good but in that chicken
portal there is no rules
[franklin]: the chicken portal is a mess
[howard]: you can't the disaster
[franklin]: that's yeah
[howard]: oh franklin well i got a movie
for you brother
[franklin]: i hope it's better
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: than the dargelean limited
[howard]: well we'll see
[franklin]: hm
[howard]: i picked a movie that as you
may know is a little under the radar
[howard]: little less seen you know maybe maybe
bret thousands seeing this move but
[franklin]: a
[howard]: a lot of these other a lot
of these other guys really haven't
[franklin]: m
[howard]: seen it out there
[franklin]: m
[howard]: i don't even
[franklin]: men
[howard]: know yeah i don't know it's not
even on on streaming services
[franklin]: no
[howard]: you got to get this on divics
[franklin]: endifics
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: oh boy
[howard]: it's called her hands stained purple with
[franklin]: her hands stained purple is this one
of ronnie radikiy's bands
[howard]: no this is an old movie man
this is this is old time this is
[howard]: a dian keton's in it
[franklin]: oh boy
[howard]: yeah it's a whole time brother
[franklin]: the first old ladies
[howard]: she was like the first old lady
ever dine ken james garner is in it
[howard]: this
[franklin]: of
[howard]: movie this movies from nineteen seventy seven
[franklin]: who
[howard]: yea it's it's about um the greatest
romance in american history george washington and his
[howard]: wife
[franklin]: o that's a
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: fucking yeah
[howard]: it's a romance because it's a romance
set at the beginning of history
[franklin]: i see
[howard]: so you know george washington he is
hanging out in america but baby america
[franklin]: baby america
[howard]: and everyone said oh it's all crazy
we've got to have a war and all
[howard]: that and he said yeah
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: yeah yeah i know i know but
i also got to find time for my
[howard]: lady eautiful lady who as we all
know george washington's wife's name
[franklin]: yes
[howard]: and missus washington
[franklin]: m
[howard]: and so he
[franklin]: m
[howard]: you know she's always saying oh george
come come back to be with me don't
[howard]: who wants to revolt against the british
and he says oh well i have to
[howard]: madam and
[franklin]: ah
[howard]: so he
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: is caught between two two choices you
know does he help make america a new
[howard]: country or does he go home to
his wife and be a good husband so
[franklin]: why does he choose
[howard]: there's a ot of drama well let's
move his alternate history so
[franklin]: like abraham lincoln vampire hunter
[howard]: yeah so he goes and just he
has the most just you know erotic sex
[howard]: scenes ever with his wife especially for
nineteen seventy seven
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: and so they don't do the revolutionary
war and it just it becomes it remains
[franklin]: they just
[howard]: a part of england forever
[franklin]: just funk george washington and missus washington
[howard]: yeah there's this one the last scene
in it is um benjamin franklin and thomas
[howard]: jefferson are coming over to his house
because they're like oh the british are killing
[howard]: us all and they're all knocking on
the door but then it shows an sind
[howard]: just fucking like there's no tomorrow
[franklin]: they're knocking at a door and georgia
washington is knocking boots
[howard]: yes sir
[franklin]: ah
[howard]: and and then we see the british
just rip off thomas jefferson's head
[franklin]: yeah that's very funny
[howard]: yeah it's a great movie man there's
a lot of cool history in it actually
[howard]: thomas george washington has a horse and
you know how they like fast and furious
[howard]: they soup up the cars
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: you know they put nitrosenmon stuff so
he does stuff like to his horse he
[howard]: sops up his horse he
[franklin]: not
[howard]: gives
[franklin]: even
[howard]: it
[franklin]: soup up a horse
[howard]: he gives it like protein gives it
like meat
[franklin]: i like a kind of a beefarino
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: okay
[howard]: he says oh this horse i do
declare it needs to eat a fine piece
[howard]: of mutton
[franklin]: all right
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: get to get the horse and the
[howard]: yeah yeah he's juicing up the horse
[franklin]: sjuicing
[howard]: so
[franklin]: up the horse
[howard]: yeah because there's a part where the
british are trying to kill him and he
[howard]: was like no i got here i
got to go up sex my wife he
[howard]: runs away from him on a super
fast horse
[franklin]: i bad ass
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: the man loves to fuck
[howard]: yeah he said it's better than liberty
[franklin]: hey
[howard]: i'm
[franklin]: no
[howard]: with
[franklin]: argument
[howard]: them brother ah
[franklin]: no argument here george washington
[howard]: those guys were so stupid man back
[franklin]: they were dumb
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: they were like exceptionally stupid men
[howard]: they didn't know anything
[franklin]: no they didn't know the transformers
[howard]: i
[franklin]: movies would happen
[howard]: no yeah if you would know that
transformers movies were going to happen whether or
[howard]: not you revolted against the british why
would you have ever done it
[franklin]: you don't know the butterfly in fact
it could
[howard]: to
[franklin]: have it could i don't know
[howard]: oh you don't think michael bay would
have ever been born
[franklin]: i think he would definitely have been
[howard]: i
[franklin]: born but i don't know
[howard]: well
[franklin]: what he's going to do
[howard]: oh man yeah because if he was
british he might hae ust made boring stuff
[howard]: uh
[franklin]: that's true you might have done sucking
peaky blinders
[howard]: yeah we would have done
[franklin]: oh
[howard]: been cumber batch genius movies
[franklin]: god no thank you yeah
[howard]: yeh
[franklin]: the fucking h
[howard]: the
[franklin]: holmes
[howard]: mathematics
[franklin]: and watson
[howard]: the
[franklin]: yes
[howard]: you have the mathematics game or whatever
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: yeah uh
[franklin]: all right so this is the episode
where i promise we do the questions
[howard]: yeah so let's get into it man
[franklin]: let's
[howard]: got a
[franklin]: get into
[howard]: lot
[franklin]: them
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: fucking hell
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: well do we have some in email
[howard]: i don't know i'll check that if
you want to pop into the discord by
[howard]: the way our patroon gets you access
so that just
[franklin]: m
[howard]: cored if you want it you don't
have to be in there
[franklin]: yeah if
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: you don't have to yeah i
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: think
[howard]: we're
[franklin]: yah
[howard]: not
[franklin]: i'm
[howard]: going
[franklin]: glad
[howard]: to
[franklin]: you're
[howard]: make you
[franklin]: yeah i'm glad you're telling people that
now that they
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: don't have to be in discord
[howard]: no it's your choice
[franklin]: okay um god there are so many
questions dude i don't know about this ship
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: man
[howard]: we don't have any in g mail
so we could have
[franklin]: okay so
[howard]: zippitydude
[franklin]: fucking hell
[howard]: off this
[franklin]: i'm scrawling man all right
[howard]: h
[franklin]: so we have a question here
[howard]: is
[franklin]: if they make that's going to be
the host in powers question all right
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: dwaine has a question here right dwaine
[howard]: yeah yeah
[franklin]: who do you go if if you're
task of recasting c m punk and a
[franklin]: w same gimmick same push a different
guy who is it
[howard]: brian pillman junior
[franklin]: there we go no one man can
be all that obnoxious
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: then
[howard]: he's
[franklin]: fucking
[howard]: better
[franklin]: brian pillman junior
[howard]: and he's a better at i yeah
[franklin]: this is like the one fucking case
that yes
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: you'd be right the one fucking case
my god
[howard]: yeah that's my pick
[franklin]: brian
[howard]: baby
[franklin]: people in junior has very he has
ohiovibes he has vives like
[howard]: all right
[franklin]: people in ohio love my bet
[howard]: yeah i'm sure he's like
[franklin]: like
[howard]: ohio's guy
[franklin]: he's definitely an ohio guy because he's
definitely he's lame
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: he's mediocre and people make a lot
of excuses for him
[howard]: yeah and more importantly than that he's
got a great head of hair which people
[howard]: in ohio don't
[franklin]: that's true so they root for him
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: brian pillman junior for sure man
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: get him some ink and
[howard]: yeah or you could just get those
this sort those like arm
[franklin]: right
[howard]: sock things for a while
[franklin]: the
[howard]: just
[franklin]: sleeves
[howard]: tryan's on him yeah
[franklin]: the
[howard]: get
[franklin]: sleeves
[howard]: in some of those
[franklin]: oh man the hardy sleeves oh
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: god i've seen it on occasion people
wear them man
[howard]: they are
[franklin]: at
[howard]: cool
[franklin]: have you ever seen anybody wearing those
sleeves in public
[howard]: no i never have
[franklin]: no
[howard]: man
[franklin]: i would see it all the time
in miami beach
[howard]: okay
[franklin]: and it was and you could tell
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: i almost feel bad for those guys
who would do because like you know tattoo
[franklin]: guys are just like i got the
real deal here a hole
[howard]: yeah but who's laughing now because those
guys can be a tattoo guy when they
[howard]: want or they can stop
[franklin]: or they can say yeah
[howard]: a oh
[franklin]: i could take these off whenever i
[howard]: yeh
[franklin]: got to live with this bullshit
[howard]: that's a cool move right
[franklin]: i don't got to live with pepsy
fucking thing on my arm
[howard]: yeah i get to be johnnie johnnie
good boy when i go home oh
[franklin]: damn tattoo sleeve
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: shirts fan
[howard]: that's
[franklin]: that
[howard]: what's
[franklin]: is a clutch
[howard]: those are backyeah
[franklin]: are we bringing them back
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: tattoo sleeve shirts can i find one
quickly tattoo
[howard]: take a look real quick
[franklin]: sleeve shirts let's see what google has
for me here
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: they have the initially asked for babies
but so amazon has some sleeves
[howard]: okay
[franklin]: okay there's like a shirt that just
looks like it's all like you're all tatted
[franklin]: up but it's
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: not
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: you know so there's a temporary tattoo
sleeves set so you got like there's one
[franklin]: sick one can i describe
[howard]: i
[franklin]: this for you
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: it's a half sun half moon face
and it's smiling angrily
[howard]: whoa
[franklin]: and further down you have a skull
and some roses
[howard]: i
[franklin]: so
[howard]: i found
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: i searched for it in a shirt
and it doesn't look like a tattoo but
[howard]: it just says i am a tattooed
sister just like a normal sister except much
[howard]: cooler so that's something anybody i can
[franklin]: sure
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: there's one that's just like you know
angel wings roses skulls the usual kind of
[franklin]: thing here
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: ah but yeah there there there a
[howard]: those tattoo
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: guys love all that dark slighted stuff
[franklin]: they do they love
[howard]: frank and steins
[franklin]: frank in stein's
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: skulls
[howard]: motor cycles
[franklin]: i don't see a lot of motorcycle
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: like a tattoo of a motorcycle
[howard]: yeah yeah
[franklin]: i don't think i've seen that
[howard]: i bet there are some
[franklin]: i'm sure there is
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: all
[howard]: well
[franklin]: right
[howard]: there's a lot we don't know about
tattoos like us
[franklin]: so shampouler's asking us
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: which finishing move would you have liked
to try it on the recently deceased
[howard]: people
[franklin]: queen of england good god
[howard]: she's already dead
[franklin]: yes
[howard]: oh i guess just a big laydrophodn
[franklin]: like drop yeah she's already dead
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: so you got to go for like
a top rope kind of move
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: m
[howard]: it's going to be tough to get
her up
[franklin]: you're not goin to go to sleep
on a fucking
[howard]: no
[franklin]: lifeless body there you
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: know
[howard]: dead weight on me man
[franklin]: i
[howard]: maybe
[franklin]: guy got
[howard]: like
[franklin]: t go like a people's
[howard]: sharp shooter
[franklin]: like a people's outloweahthat
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: would be tough i don't want to
budge it be a people's elbow or something
[howard]: yeah that would be a good one
or like the yocozona buttrop
[franklin]: yeah i'm gonna read this because i
know you you would not
[howard]: no
[franklin]: it's yeah that last one she polteisones
from john john's asking who are you making
[franklin]: a sex with she holk or jenifer
[howard]: that's vulgar
[franklin]: this is you know i'm not making
sex if either of them i haven't you
[franklin]: know i don't even know them
[howard]: yeah take me out to dinner first
[franklin]: she's louise man jes
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: louise you
[howard]: come
[franklin]: know
[howard]: on now
[franklin]: all right you can get the next
one here we're
[howard]: all
[franklin]: on
[howard]: right
[franklin]: september ninth of
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: questions
[howard]: i see that all right so this
was a question the doctor asked on twitter
[howard]: but i guess mason wanted us to
answer it just kind of a yes or
[howard]: no question
[franklin]: m
[howard]: do you think if you try try
chain in yourself and half vertically starting from
[howard]: the nuts you could cut through your
torso and get to your head before you
[howard]: died
[franklin]: no
[howard]: yeah now i think i would die
well before i got
[franklin]: think
[howard]: to
[franklin]: i
[howard]: my head
[franklin]: die i think i'd be in shock
i'd be in pain
[howard]: i cortin started your nuts that would
[franklin]: yeah i think i'm done there
[howard]: yeah no thank you
[franklin]: yeah yeah
[howard]: all right then there is a lot
of yip yap and jibber jab
[franklin]: yeah they
[howard]: for
[franklin]: talk a lot here it's like
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: hey just ask questions jerks
[howard]: yeah let's say dat
[franklin]: the german word for like come on
[howard]: yeah then there was some more conversations
[franklin]: i thought dean asked a question but
he's just talking about the air force
[howard]: yeah the
[franklin]: good good on you for asking there's
a bunch of questions just out of grab
[franklin]: as here
[howard]: yeah and then there was more grab
ask and then we did some of these
[howard]: questions apparently on nine twenty
[franklin]: okay
[howard]: um
[franklin]: wait if you were an employee at
galaxy's edge would you party there after hours
[franklin]: that's from shanpoogler
[howard]: oh no it's not it's against the
[franklin]: dude i'd have so many surly sarlat
[howard]: would you
[franklin]: dude i got
[howard]: my
[franklin]: to so i got a surly start
lack before the millennium falcon ride
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: and then i went back after the
lady i got the same lady at the
[franklin]: register was like it was like ten
am still just like
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: you are here you are just here
like you're back
[howard]: and you said no i wasn't
[franklin]: i just want yeah like i don't
know she wants to give me an intervention
[franklin]: there or something
[howard]: oh you want to have two drinks
[franklin]: well excuse me okay i found one
from astro prone
[howard]: oh yeah i'm this guy
[franklin]: who would the unk nominate to the
supreme court yeah
[howard]: well
[franklin]: fucking hell
[howard]: she look i guess
[franklin]: jenifer walters
[howard]: yeah okay one in one
[franklin]: that's that's
[howard]: she is she is a lawyer so
she already knows about law and she can
[howard]: stand up to the toughest opponents there
[franklin]: ye and well yours can work mine
[howard]: a
[franklin]: work
[howard]: yeah that's true well that's respectful i
[franklin]: well
[howard]: want
[franklin]: i'm
[howard]: to
[franklin]: just saying she holktworked and jenifer
[howard]: you're
[franklin]: walter
[howard]: right i guess i would
[franklin]: has
[howard]: pick
[franklin]: not
[howard]: jennifer
[franklin]: tore
[howard]: walters too then that's a unanimous vote
[franklin]: then i pick she hole she could
[howard]: oh but that's respectful
[franklin]: oh i mean buddy
[howard]: so
[franklin]: you need a body working in the
supreme court my friend
[howard]: i guess you do need one booty
[franklin]: you
[howard]: workin
[franklin]: need
[howard]: in
[franklin]: one
[howard]: the supreme
[franklin]: but in the supreme court
[howard]: yeah that's true
[franklin]: thank
[howard]: and i
[franklin]: you
[howard]: don't i don't know anybody else in
the supreme court so it's got to be
[howard]: her
[franklin]: justice celia
[howard]: oh is he ill browned
[franklin]: no he's not
[howard]: he got murdered
[franklin]: i know that i don't when they
croak i don't know when they're living
[howard]: yeah i don't know an i guess
[franklin]: oh
[howard]: i know skillyis
[franklin]: m
[howard]: not alive
[franklin]: bader ginsburg
[howard]: oh yeah vater
[franklin]: peter
[franklin]: great wedding official
[howard]: yeah over all right here's another question
from a sham pootler says you can pick
[howard]: one super hero or jed i to
have as a wing man at a club
[howard]: who you're going with
[franklin]: what do these people assume we don't
have significant others
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: going to a club but okay
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: let me humor this
[howard]: yeah hypothetically
[franklin]: hypothetically
[howard]: jennifer walters
[franklin]: she hawk
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: i okay i need somebody to be
talking there yeah
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: m
[howard]: take all the attention off me while
i'm going and stealing some snacks
[franklin]: that's right
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: that's right i'm filling my glass up
with a big tall marg and
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: everybody is looking at the big green
lady clapping cheeks
[howard]: yeah with the fantastic hair that goes
[franklin]: that goes away you
[howard]: m
[franklin]: got
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: a problem of a marvel show why
can't you just enjoy things
[howard]: no i do i love it
[franklin]: oh
[howard]: i
[franklin]: really
[howard]: love it more than anybody
[franklin]: really
[howard]: else yeah
[franklin]: bullshitbullshit
[howard]: yeah what
[franklin]: you hated the last episode you liar
[howard]: well because i hate jamila gamel
[franklin]: oh boy oh boy
[howard]: because
[franklin]: what is
[howard]: she
[franklin]: this
[howard]: betrayed
[franklin]: come from
[howard]: us
[franklin]: you're the one
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: harassing her on you
[howard]: i
[franklin]: got
[howard]: was
[franklin]: us blocked
[howard]: i asked
[franklin]: you got us blocked by cat tips
you got us blocked by jmilajamill like
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: who's left
[howard]: tatiana mazlani
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: jennifer walters
[franklin]: cheer for halters
[howard]: yeah oh
[franklin]: what's her what's her coverment name
[howard]: tatiana maslani
[franklin]: okay
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: mercchargat to you you broke the sand
board i can't use it
[howard]: i didn't mean to break it so
i don't
[franklin]: when
[howard]: think it's
[franklin]: twenty
[howard]: my fault
[franklin]: minutes without using it that means it
goes defunct
[howard]: because i was
[franklin]: after
[howard]: busy
[franklin]: some point
[howard]: talking to you
[franklin]: where was i doing last
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: episode
[howard]: well so i'm the bad guy
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: and i would have played that billy
isles song but you broke the sound board
[howard]: well and i don't know who that
[franklin]: as a song of the
[howard]: i
[franklin]: bad guy you're just not hip that's
the problem that's
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: the
[howard]: if
[franklin]: problem
[howard]: if i'm not hit how do i
know who jennifer walters is
[franklin]: do you know who she hokeis
[howard]: oh that respectful working
[franklin]: me an
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: de stalin didn't figure assume she was
[howard]: yes yeah well man
[franklin]: oh
[howard]: oh man i just looked
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: up tatiana mazan and on twitter i
found a commissioned drawing of her as the
[howard]: she hook and it's very respectful
[franklin]: yah
[howard]: m boy
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: that really threw me off
[franklin]: you remember the baily drawing from the
foot fetishes
[howard]: it's it's worse than the bailey drawing
because it's
[franklin]: from the
[howard]: it's
[franklin]: foot
[howard]: not
[franklin]: fetishes
[howard]: just yeah now i know that one
[franklin]: that that guy drew penuses under foot
at some point i think or in another
[howard]: oh ditty
[franklin]: series head
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: like
[howard]: man
[franklin]: there was curves in the feet that
look like dicks so
[howard]: oh boy
[franklin]: within
[howard]: that's
[franklin]: the yeah
[howard]: that's bad
[franklin]: ah that's bad all right
[howard]: man i don't know man
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: i don't it must be rough to
be a lady in the world where all
[howard]: these
[franklin]: that's
[howard]: creeps
[franklin]: what i was
[howard]: are
[franklin]: saying
[howard]: drawn pictures of you
[franklin]: that's what i'm
[howard]: a
[franklin]: saying dude
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: like being a
[howard]: that's
[franklin]: lady
[howard]: that's why have so much respect for
jennifer walters
[franklin]: that's why i ave so much respect
for she hawk
[howard]: yeah and that's one thing we can
both agree on
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: that's for sure
[howard]: um all right
[franklin]: right
[howard]: we've got
[franklin]: ah
[howard]: this mason he says you've got unlimited
budget for a halloween costume what you're dressing
[franklin]: shit
[howard]: as
[franklin]: i never thought of that though
[howard]: unlimited budget
[franklin]: that's crazy
[howard]: yeah like i mean
[franklin]: a lot of money
[howard]: yeah that's
[franklin]: of
[howard]: unlimited money
[franklin]: i
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: don't know he scream
[howard]: we
[franklin]: villain
[howard]: oh yeah that's pretty good man i
think i dress up
[franklin]: uh
[howard]: as m and m m
[franklin]: so like
[howard]: hm
[franklin]: bleached hair
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: like tank top in june
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: yeah that's pretty good
[howard]: yeah it's pretty cool and
[franklin]: you
[howard]: think
[franklin]: think
[howard]: of all
[franklin]: you
[howard]: the
[franklin]: could
[howard]: money
[franklin]: have
[howard]: i'd have left over
[franklin]: you think you
[howard]: my
[franklin]: could have you think you could ave
you could look enough like him to be
[franklin]: part of his v m a thing
when he was
[howard]: oh well
[franklin]: that
[howard]: the
[franklin]: army
[howard]: real slim shady please stand up
[franklin]: yeah when we had that all the
city of new york
[howard]: yeah i think i could probably pull
that off
[franklin]: adam devine says he was one of
those guys i don't know
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: if i believe him
[howard]: i'd wonder if it was
[franklin]: i don't know maybe i made that
[howard]: it sounds like something he'd say
[franklin]: it sounds like something he'd want but
he never did
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: now
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: that guy needs to do is stop
cheating on his wife
[howard]: yeah those text messages made me sick
[franklin]: those facebook messages man
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: avery posted a photo of that little
bird afterwards green bird on facebook
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: snickers
[howard]: man i love that little green face
[franklin]: that's
[howard]: book
[franklin]: all that's my
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: last memory of facebook is the green
bird facebooksticker waving it
[howard]: i i checked out facebook the other
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: how you
[howard]: saw
[franklin]: like it
[howard]: i saw a good good man that
we used to talk to a lot was
[howard]: still
[franklin]: it's good
[howard]: hanging on on there
[franklin]: that's good
[howard]: yeah all right o ant to get
one of these other questions here
[franklin]: sure so who this is for mason
reloaded again
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: yeah who other
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: than the undertaker is the worst smelling
fictional character
[howard]: oh it's an interesting question
[franklin]: c m punk i know smells bad
but it's not a fictional character he's a
[franklin]: real
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: life jerk
[howard]: he's a real man
[franklin]: who is somebody you see and you
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: know they smell bad
[howard]: let me think about
[franklin]: i
[howard]: that
[franklin]: was thinking of what's tantoss friend
[howard]: the ebony mar
[franklin]: ebony mar
[howard]: yeah like it probably doesn't smell
[franklin]: i
[howard]: a
[franklin]: don't
[howard]: treat
[franklin]: think he smells good now
[howard]: what about door mamma
[franklin]: it's just like earth that's like space
the smell of
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: space like
[howard]: what about zombi version of dr strange
[franklin]: that's a sound that just sounds like
maybe smells like you know
[howard]: like rotting
[franklin]: something rotting but it's not like b
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: like a bad
[howard]: okay
[franklin]: smell
[howard]: i know who my answer is in
mad max
[franklin]: oh at
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: the whole everybody there
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: like
[howard]: oh yeah probably morton joe
[franklin]: whoever kept spraying the silver stuff in
their mouth
[howard]: yeah that was morton joe was like
[franklin]: there
[howard]: i
[franklin]: you
[howard]: sprayed
[franklin]: go
[howard]: it
[franklin]: where
[howard]: like
[franklin]: did he come from where do you
[howard]: oh man i'm frank i'm so sorry
about the sound board you're off
[franklin]: oh don't feel awful man
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: i think it's it's riverside's fault for
not being consistent you know
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: because it shouldn't be that if it
just goes inactive long enough it just stops
[franklin]: but i knew i forgot to reiterate
that to you that
[howard]: and i forgot to remember
[franklin]: it's okay i mean you know i
[howard]: oh jees
[franklin]: yes
[howard]: what have we become
[franklin]: yeah well none the less where can
they find us
[howard]: franklin well you can get on with
our patroon patroon dot com slash uncle to
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: uncle we got all sorts of exclusive
[franklin]: yeah
[howard]: content there videoswhere
[franklin]: eh
[howard]: an we got episodes we got a
blog i don't know i'll be on patriot
[howard]: but just pretend it is you can
get in that discord we got stickers to
[howard]: senga it's the good time where we're
on places where you can write reviews and
[howard]: subscribe to us and if you did
that it would be pretty pretty good
[franklin]: yeah please
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: rate review subscribe if you haven't already
[howard]: h oh
[franklin]: our patrons got wrestling matches limitless recapswher
we re cap a minute of the bradley
[franklin]: coo movie limitless i read chapters from
david leroff's crazy from the heat and it's
[howard]: oh
[franklin]: the only place where you can get
access to our discord if you want it
[franklin]: and
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: there's going to be live streams coming
and the only place you can get the
[franklin]: link for the life stream is by
being a discord member so we're going to
[franklin]: announce
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: the life stream coming very very soon
and the only way
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: to have access to that life stream
at link is from being a discord member
[howard]: yeah so don't miss out because
[franklin]: okay
[howard]: you only live once
[franklin]: that's right and i guess since
[howard]: yeah
[franklin]: you broke the sand board you could
do the send off
[howard]: yeah well thanks for listening everybody and
if you get high guess where you're going
[howard]: to go to
[franklin]: sorry
[howard]: hell
[franklin]: yeah